01 MARCH 2020
Hardness testing on finished products with any kind of shapes. The automatic digi test II comes with options of measuring methods that cover the entire Shore and IRHD scales and plus VLRH.
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SİNCE 2019
YGT Laboratuvar started cooperation with German Company Wenk Labtec.
Laboratory equipment, accessories and consumables of world leading manufacturers. Ovens – Balances – Mills – Beakers – Liquid Handling – Filters – Pumps – and so much more. Premium Supplier. View Catalogue.
Marken: Hydrolab, DWK Life Sciences (DURAN), Hamilton, Ohaus.
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our GENEral
SINCE 2011
YGT Lab kalite çizgisinden ödün vermeden uygun fiyat ve değer katan yaratıcı yaklaşımlar ile tüm müşterilerine yardımcı olmaya devam ediyor.
Amerikan Sciencix, laboratuvar ile koordinasyonumuz 2011 yılından beri devam ediyor.
PROSENSE which has been established in 1997, supplying the highest quality products to the entire Pharmaceutical Industry. All of the products are both USP and machine manufacturer compliant. A certificate of USP compliance is supplied where applicable.
Biorelevant dissolution media solve the problem of compendial test media (such as simulated intestinal fluid usp) which do not mimic the highly variable and dynamic environment of the human gut accurately enough.
They contain physiologically relevant surfactants (bile salts and phospholipids) which make them extremely similar to juices inside the stomach and small intestine. Their patented range of powders enables to produce different types of biorelevant media (FaSSIF, FeSSIF, FaSSGF, FaSSIF-V2 and FeSSIF-V2) .
Starna Scientific Limited which is established in 1964, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the international group of Starna® companies whose reputation is synonymous with quality and service in the manufacture and supply of spectrophotometer cells, optical components and certified reference materials around the world.